
Saturday, November 16, 2013

Housewarming Cookies

I am a firm believer in "everything happens for a reason."  When we officially decided to move to San Antonio, we were given two realtors' names by Kevin's work.  After talking to Melanie on the phone, I immediately knew she was the right choice.  Fast forward to us living here almost two years, and I am so blessed that she is still a part of my life now as a friend. 
Melanie continues to work as a thriving realtor (she seriously is the best realtor so if you are in SA and need someone, definitely check her out!), and she wanted to give cookies to one of her clients after they purchased a lot to build their dream home.  Melanie had the idea for the "Coming Soon" cookies and then I just threw in some pattern cookies to complement the houses.  Melanie


Thank you so much, Melanie, not only for the order, but for being such a bright spot in our relocation to San Antonio!

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