
Friday, January 10, 2014

Happy Birthday, Benjamin!: Train Cookies

My nephew Benjamin turned 1 back in November, but it was right before Thanksgiving and I didn't want his birthday cookies to get lost in the holiday cookie mix! 

Benjamin had a train theme for his party.  His mom, and my wonderful sister-in-law, Mandy chose to use primary colors for the theme.  She told me to have fun and make whatever I wanted.  I LOVE orders like these were I can stretch myself creatively and try to come up with something original and new that I've never done before. 

The end result was some of my favorite cookies that I have made in awhile!  I love the brightness of the color pallete and just how "clean" this set looks.  And it that didn't seal the deal of me loving this set, this picture below did!
It was an honor to be a part of your first birthday, Benjamin!  Your Aunt Malu loves you so much!

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