
Monday, February 24, 2014

Happy 2nd Birthday, James!: Bubble Guppies Cookies

I can't believe my sweet baby boy is 2 today!  We had his party on Saturday and we had to go with a Bubble Guppies theme, as it is on a regular basis he request "Bubble." (For those of you who aren't parents of toddlers, Bubble Guppies is a tv show on Nick Jr.)

I was in a pickle about what to do about making the cookies.  The Bubble Guppies characters are adorable, but they would require me to make about 10+ different icing colors and I just wasn't prepared to do that with all the other party preparations I had to do.  I finally decided to hand paint the characters on white and then transfer them to a cookie.

I also managed to do a few decorations and make the cupcakes and his cake for the party.  It is amazing the things we will do for our children!

This face right here made all the hard work worthwhile.

He liked the cookies so much that he didn't even eat his cake!  I loved the precious smile he got when he saw them and that he immediately picked out Gil, the blue-haired boy.

I think this picture says it all!  I'm pretty sure he had a fun time on his birthday!

James, it is a joy to be your mom.  I love your silly faces, your gibberish that sounds like you speak Japanese, your sweet cuddles, the way you "make" me get in your crib with you after you wake up, your fascination with anything with wheels, your energy, and so much more.  I love you so much!


  1. Wow these bubble guppies cookies look AMAZING! I wish you lived in my area! We are also doing a bubble guppies themed 2nd birthday party next weekend, and I'm looking for cookies just like these. Do you hand paint with colored icing? How do you get these so smooth? It almost looks like a transfer sheet!! You are truly talented!

  2. Do you sell those cookies ? I'd love to place an order if so.
