Sunday, April 14, 2013

Texas Wildflower Cookies

I love springtime in Texas.  It isn't too "cold" (I realize my native Texan definition of cold is much different than others') to go outside anymore, but the sweltering heat of summertime hasn't set in just yet.  But most of all, I love springtime in Texas for the wildflowers.  Beautiful bluebonnets, colorful Indian Blankets, and vibrant Indian paintbrushes line every highway and fill previously empty fields.  It adds so much color and life to areas that are usually a monotonous shade of green.  

It is definitely a "rite of passage" for a Texan to take pictures in bluebonnets, and James had to endure two different sessions. The first was over Easter weekend at our family lake house and the second was with some friends at a local park.

Photo-bomb from Sophie
James with some of his best buds: Brady, Mark and Fox.  Yes, he wore the same outfit because I liked the way it looked.  Also, in my mind, I built this up to be this adorable picture with all of them sitting there and smiling at the camera.  Needless to say, it was more of a try-to-just-get-them-all-to-sit-still-and-who-cares-if-they're-smiling kind of experience.
So, on to the cookies! I knew immediately I wanted to make some bluebonnet cookies this spring, but I also wanted to make another wildflower to compliment it.  After trying to sketch an Indian paintbrush for what felt like an eternity, I threw in the towel and decided to do Indian Blankets instead.

I tried two different cutters to get the bluebonnet shape.  The first was a carrot cutter and the second was two flower shapes that I squished and then pieced together.

Enjoy these beautiful wildflowers while they last! But once they're gone, at least we can still have some cookies!

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