
Friday, September 27, 2013

Cat Birthday Set

I will start off by saying these are the most random cookies I have done to date, but if I'm being honest, I love them!

Haley wanted to order cookies for one of her best friends Katie's 17th birthday.  She didn't really care what they looked like, but she wanted them to be bright, colorful and include cats, Katie's favorite animal.  I also had to include solid black houses.  I wasn't given an explanation, but I am assuming some sort of inside joke.

When I was trying to figure out what I should do, I remembered the bunny silhouette cookie from my Easter Egg cookies and thought, "Why not do the same but with a cat?"  Also, I know this will instantly age me, but I loved Lisa Frank when I was younger and this set seemed reminiscent of that... maybe that's why I ended up liking it so much!

 I hope you had a purr-fect 17th birthday, Katie (beyond cheesy I know, but I couldn't resist)!

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