
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving Pie Cookies

Happy Thanksgiving!

While Christmas has long over-taken our stores and we are even seeing some houses decorated already, I want to make sure and give Thanksgiving its deserved time in the spotlight.  To me, Thanksgiving is a time to slow down and spend time with the ones we love... that and a time to celebrate America's real favorite past-time: overeating!  Because of this, I made some cookies to look like pies, the iconic Thanksgiving dessert.

Making pie cookies isn't a new concept.  In fact, several cookie decorators have made adorable cookies to look like pies.  Just stroll over to Pinterest and you'll see what I'm talking about!  But, I wanted to change things up and use the cookie to create the crust in an attempt to create a more realistic looking pie.

I made pumpkin, cherry and chocolate pie- with a dollop of whipped cream of course!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  Enjoy the time with your loved ones... and some yummy food, too!

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