
Friday, November 22, 2013

ThankFALL for You Cookies

When I was a vendor at the MOPS market about a month ago, I knew I needed to prepare a LOT of cookies.  Since I stay home full-time with James, the only way this was going to be possible was with some help.  My wonderful friends watched him for me not one, but two mornings, so I would be able to work on cookies.  I knew I owed them a huge thank you, so I did it in the best way I know how- with cookies! 

I'm not usually one for puns, but I couldn't resist.  Then, I had these cute leaf sprinkles that are just perfect for fall and I threw in some minis covered in orange sanding sugar because they have to be one of my favorite cookies to eat.  I love the added crunch and sweetness.

Thank you again so much, Christina, Jessica, and Megan.  I couldn't have made it through the MOPS market without your help.  During this season of thanks, I am especially thankful to be blessed by your friendships!

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