
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Christmas Cookie Bouquet

Well it has been an eventful weekend for us!  I headed to the ER Thursday with abdominal cramps and a fever and lo and behold, I had appendicitis.  At 11 pm, I was taken to surgery and had my appendix removed.  Now I'm in recovery mode and I'm just really disappointed because this is the time of year I was looking to crank cookies out and do several different ideas, but it's just not happening this year.  However, it's time like this that I am glad I have cookies saved up to post when I am in no condition to be working on cookies! 

I made this mini-Christmas bouquet as part of my display for the MOPS market last October.  I wanted to show some Christmas themed cookies for anyone interested in ordering.

I'm going to do my best to keep up during this busy season, but I'm not making any promises!

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